Gluten-Free Miso Chocolate Chip Cookie with Hazelnuts and Royal Icing




Recipe from Lani Halliday (NYC Based Baker / Cherry Bombe Contributor)


I’m not one who usually turns to bake anything gluten-free, but when one of my friends selected “alternative flours” as part of our baking challenge for #f*ckitletsbake, I decided to turn to one of my favorite bakers, Lani Halliday, an NYC based baker who specializes in creating delicious GF treats.

They are slightly savory, easy to bake, and most importantly, they are delicious! Definitely recommend trying out this recipe if you’re looking to try your hand at baking GF.


Serving Size: 1 | Calories: 146 | Sugar: 14 | Fat: 3 | Carbohydrates: 30 | Fiber: 5 | Protein: 3